The Wall-Sized Fish 


A wall-sized fish hangs on the wall next to a red telephone with a cord. Also next to the wall-sized fish is a wall-sized bell that can be hit with a mallet. On the floor stands the television (who is a living character). You are also in the room, though you’re not sure where.

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Excerpt from stage production:



The Wall-Sized Fish premiered at What Happens: A Festival of Poets’ Theater on March 1, 2019 at Public Space One in Iowa City, Iowa.

The play was directed by Stephen Ira and produced by Toby Altman, Bianca Messinger, and Erica Vannon. Ellen Boyette, Liam O’Brien, and Peter Myers acted. Dallin Law played the organ. Kelly Clare designed the costumes.

The script of The Wall-Sized Fish appears in What Happens, a magazine of poets’ theater.

A film version of The Wall-Sized Fish aired as part of the Public Space One 2020 Art-A-Thon in Iowa City.